Sponsor’s Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Zip Code:
Members Information
Last Name:
Shliach's First Name:
Shlucha's First Name:
Zip Code:
Head Shliach:
 The Shliach named above has an unmarried child/ren under the age of 30.
Youngest Child's Name
Youngest Child's DOB
Payment Information
Payment Info
Card type:
Name as on Card:
Credit card number:
CardID (CVV):?
Card Billing Address:

*An automatic $1 charge will occur upon registration. 
This charge will be refunded within a few days.
I will contribute $72 to each collection.
I would like to contribute more than $72 to each collection.
 I intend to contribute:

Other amount: $
Terms and Conditions
Our goal is to raise $100,000 in the event of the passing r”l of one of our members—shliach or shlucha—if they have an unmarried child thirty years and under. Membership is per family, and includes the shliach and shlucha; couples do not need to apply separately. Each member will be charged $72 per collection.
  1. Funds will be collected only in the event of a passing; no regular collection occurs. One hundred percent of the funds go directly to the family; all administrative expenses and processing fees are covered by sponsors. It is completely free to join.
  2. The funds are placed into a secure account, from where they are transferred directly to the family.
  3. The Shluchim Group is not life insurance or an annuity. It has been established as a charitable endeavor.
  4. Members have no rights to sue or submit legal claims against the decisions of The Shluchim Group, The Shluchim Office, or its Board of Directors, including for failure to initiate a collection. There are no oral agreements or other commitments between The Shluchim Group and its members, and no such oral agreements or commitments shall be given any legal effect.
  5. Any application found to have false information, or that does not meet the terms and conditions of The Shluchim Group, will retroactively disqualify applicant from The Shluchim Group. Past contributions will not be returned.
  6. All Shluchim wishing to register must complete and sign The Shluchim Group application with credit card or banking information.
  7. Membership begins immediately after registration. Members pledge to contribute to all appeals after their acceptance, unless they opt out of donating. Members, who register once the fund is already activated, are only eligible for a collection 90 days after completing registration.
  8. Membership may be acquired as a gift. This can be done by the sponsor registering a member through the Sponsor a Member form. For example, parents may register their married children and contribute in their stead.
  9. At the current time, the fund is limited to participation by Shluchim under Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch. 
  10. Membership in The Shluchim Group is non-transferable and may not be passed on through inheritance.
  11. Members will always be notified via email prior to any collection by The Shluchim Group.
  12. It is the responsibility of members to keep us updated with any changes to their contact details or bank/credit card information.
  13. Membership rights may be terminated at any time if pledges are not paid in a timely fashion.
  14. The full collection of $100,000 is based on the membership of approximately 1,400 members which constitutes the group. In the event that a member’s passing occurs before the group is complete, the collection total will be adjusted downward accordingly. The Shluchim Group will be activated once it has a minimum of five-hundred members, providing $36,000 per tragedy.
  15. In all cases of dispute, The Shluchim Group will call upon its International Board of Directors to serve as arbitrators. Their decision will be accepted as final.
  16. Applicants commit themselves to all terms and conditions by signing the application.
  17. To maintain their membership, The Shluchim Group members will never be asked to contribute to more than one collection in any given month. In the event that there is more than one passing per month r”l, the remaining funds will be collected the following month.
I hereby affirm that I have read and agree to all terms and conditions of The Shluchim Group. I authorize The Shluchim Group to charge my account indicated above for up to one collection each month. I understand that this authorization will remain in effect until I cancel it in writing. I agree to notify The Shluchim Group of any changes in my account information.

Acceptance to the program is confirmed upon members receipt of an email confirmation.