Shlichus Start-up Kit Mazel Tov on your Shlichus! The Shluchim Office offers complimentary packing supplies to new Shluchim moving out on Shlichus. To receive this welcome kit please:
1. Create your online profile and Mosad listing with the Shluchim Office. This information will give you access to all projects, products, and services the Shluchim Office has to offer you, your wife, and your Chabad House all year long.2. Complete the Shlichus Start-Up Kit Form. Once receiving your application we will notify you via email with instructions on how to pick up.
3. Send us a picture (or family picture) to and a brief description of your Shlichus, the way you want it to appear online. We will publicize your shlichus on our Facebook page. (If you prefer we schedule the post for a later date, please include that in your email.)********** To get the free boxes, you will need to arrange a large vehicle and go to B&C Warehouse, Mon-Thur 12pm-3pm ONLY. Their detailed information is listed in the kit you will receive. Remember, you must take the completed authorization form from the kit with you to pick up your supplies.